Before I talk about all the wonderful things that happened, I need to own up to the things that I didn’t make happen. So with that said, and me standing here with all the President's men, it’s time for me to be politically correct.
Oh What A Tangled Web. As I stated many times in my Pre Trip Chapters, I wanted to leverage new and interesting technology to share my journey and to inspire others to do likewise. That sorta happened when I realized I had to learn how to build a website and blog from scratch on my own. Since I am so technically challenged I have to ask my three year old Grandson how to work the TV remote, the process was a grueling time sucker. Fortunately though, I chose to build it on, which is a Netflix-like subscription website builder with really good customer service. I must have called them 25 times with questions, but I’m glad to say they always had answers and were very patient with me. Despite the relative ease of posting on Weebly, I found I was often way behind in my trip updates. Part of that was due to lack of wifi, all day drives that left me brain dead, and not having the tech savvy to be able to post directly from my phone like every Millennial in the world can do with their eyes closed. The other thing was that I didn’t want to be rude to my hosts and disappear for hours to work on my website. So I decided to make my actual life a priority over my virtual life and just post updates when time and circumstances permitted. And while I’m doing a mea culpa on my website, here’s one more confession. I was supposed to do a bunch of Search Engine Optimization so it could be seen and perhaps generate some income. But the instructions might as well have been in Klingon, so I just spaced it out. (See whut I did there? “Klingons?” “Spaced out?”) Social Me-Duh. I had such high hopes for being able to post my trip on social media. But other than my home Facebook page it was a total bust on my part. I had my buddy Trystan Trenberth – who is a literal rock star photographer and IT ninja – set me up on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Google +, etc.. But to be honest, I struggled to understand how to do it the right way, so I didn’t do any of it. And I made a big deal about how I was going to shoot videos and post them on my Youtube channel. HA! What a joke. I shot one video and couldn’t even figure out how to get it off my phone. In retrospect, I should have just talked a teenager into riding shotgun with me so they could work their techno voodoo magic and explain it in a way this old school brain would comprehend. Laptop Craptop! Okay, one last rant about my technology fails and then I’ll stop whining. Half way through my trip my Dell laptop went sideways on me and I had to buy another brand new Dell laptop from Best Buy mid-trip to replace it. During that process, Google discontinued the photo software Picasa that I knew so well so I couldn’t use it on the new one. So while I searched for a suitable photo editing replacement, all the photo galleries I planned to post came to a dead stop. And it wasn't until many months later that I finally got things working again. Cover Contents Books Home Hire Stories Comments are closed.