It has been said that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Well teachers, this student is ready. So come out, come out wherever you are. Unfortunately for me, I’m not one of those who can learn well by listening (auditory learner) – which is ironic because I’ve taught both speech and listening skills at several colleges. I don’t do well reading manuals (read-write learner) – which is bizarre because I’ve actually written sales manuals and trained on that material at big companies. Nor do I figure things out by watching videos (visual learner) – which is weird because I intend to do videos to illustrate much of this trip. Instead, I am a “monkey see, monkey do” kind of learner (kinesthetic learner) – which means I need to have someone teach me, answer my questions, and watch me do it a couple of times so I can make sure I get it right. So need-Les to say, a large part of what I’ll need to complete this trip successfully is hands on mentoring.
Fortunately, I learned long ago that you don’t have to be an expert to mentor someone. You just need to know a little more than they do and be willing to invest some time to teach them. So I think I will be able to get the mentoring I need from both true experts and from people who know just a little more than me (which at this point, isn’t very much). Since my needs are overwhelming, and because they will grow and morph exponentially as I learn more about what I don’t know yet, I’m keeping a running list of Things I Need For The Road Ahead. If you have a chance to look at it, I’d welcome any coaching, connections or resources that I might be able to acquire in exchange for services I can offer. With that said, I now want to turn my attention back to you. If you are tempted to think you have nothing to teach people, think again. There are areas of your life where you have forgotten more than most people will ever know. If you assume you have nothing that people would trade for or pay you for, stop it! The world is filled with people looking for all kinds of talent for hire. All you need to do is make the connection and set up a fair trade. And if you think you can’t get anything for free, then go to your library (free), use their computers (free), log onto the internet (free) and spend your (free) time learning new things on youtube (also free). All of this is to say, don’t sell yourself short. Take stock of all that you have to offer, then get creative on how you can leverage those things into getting something you really want. And don’t waste any more time doubting yourself in life because this is your journey… And it’s time for you to get on the road. Cover Contents Books Home Hire Stories Comments are closed.