I can attest to the truth that traveling makes you more “well rounded”. I know because I gained twenty pounds on my last big road trip! At the time, I’m like, “So what! Live a little. You can always go back to the gym and lose it quickly. You’ve been helping people get in shape for over 50 years. So losing 20 pounds for you will be a piece of cake!” Little did I know then how hard it would be to lose the weight - and how ironic it was that I chose to use “piece of cake” in my dietary strategy. In hindsight, maybe the term “humble pie” would have been more apropos because I sure have been eating a lot of that. What this humbling, want-not-waist-not experience has taught me is: 1. Body fat doesn’t just drop off at 65 like it did when I was 25, 35 or even 45. Back then I could just skip a couple of meals and jog around the park and I’d drop a pant size. Now I have to do everything right – cardio, weights, diet, hydrate, rest, etc. – just to get keep my jeans from being so tight I hit high notes only dogs can hear. 2. At this age food tastes better, drinks flow easier, my resolutions are iffier, the couch is softer, my metabolism is slower, and my butt is lazier. So now when Monday rolls around, I hit the gym, start the diet, play the Rocky soundtrack and go all out. Until about Wednesday morning. Then my discipline – like my abs – gets mushy. And the next thing I know its happy hour somewhere until the next bloated Monday morning.
Does any of this sound slightly familiar to you? Or do you have your own version of discipline avoidance and dietary kryptonite that is keeping you from being in great shape? Well the good news is that I have a one word answer for that. And the bad news is that you are probably going to hate me for it. Look. We all know that if we have the right motivation we can do just about anything, right? A man will run into a burning building to save his dog. A woman will lift a car off her child pinned underneath. A contestant on the Biggest Loser will drop a hundred pounds if the cameras are on and the fame and money are worth it. And Oprah will buy Weight Watchers and immediately lose weight if the whole world is watching. Please note that I respect Oprah immensely! But I’m convinced she did this for that very reason. Because she understands the life-changing power of the following word better than anyone else… Accountability. And in the next chapter, I am going to tell you this powerful word can radically and positively impact my life – and far more importantly, your life – on the road ahead. Cover Contents Books Home Hire Stories Comments are closed.