On my way out of Michigan heading for Maine I got to have lunch at the Sidetrack in Depot Town with my buddy, Bill Fennel. I met Bill about 45 years ago when he first started teaching at Eastern Michigan University and I first started not trying to flunk out of there. We both trained at the same gym, but I never had him for a Biology Professor. However, I heard he was so awesome at it that he would get standing ovations for some of his auditorium seminars. We kept in touch and did frequent meet ups over the years - which was no small task because I had to lay down and rest after just reading his world wide travel itinerary. So getting together for this photo op - which appropriately right in front of a Ypsilanti street named "Photo" - was a picture perfect treat for me. Many thanks to the lovely Bekah Wallace from Cultivate who served as photographer for this shot. Update 2017 :-( Dear Bill, I just heard the news today that you are no longer with us. I am so very sad to hear you are gone, but I'm so very happy you were here for so many good years. I know that I speak for many when I say you absolutely made our lives better, more interesting and so much more fun. I am glad you and I got to spend time together over the decades since we first met in the gym, and particularly over the last couple of years when we met up at the Sidetrack for a bite and a brew. I hope I captured how much I appreciated you in this post from one of those latter times goo.gl/RhjLU2 And by the way buddy, thanks for posing for our Photo Op. I just hope I can look as good as you did here at 93. You were always so modest and interested in hearing about other people's lives that I must confess I learned some things about your incredible life in your obituary goo.gl/WkjWLG. You lived life to the fullest and left us a legacy to be admired. Well buddy, I'm going to wrap this up now because I know you never liked people to fuss over you. So I'll just end by reminding you that I used to tell people about you and your passion for travel saying, "I just read Bill Fennel's itinerary and have to lay down and take a nap to recover." And I can't help but believe you are on a whole new adventure now and everywhere you go others are so very glad to see you. God bless, Your buddy from the gym. Cover Contents Books Home Hire Stories Comments are closed.