About The Book: Since most people know me for my travel eBooks America The Beautiful and On The Road Again from my website Stories From The Road Les Traveled, this collection of stories might seem to be a big departure. In the strictest sense, it isn’t about physical travel at all – even though some of the posts came directly from my road trip publications. But in the broader sense, it is all a part of the much bigger journey I have been on for many years. So I tend to think of it as the mental, emotional and spiritual road I have traveled, and the uplifting things I have been privileged to observe in the process.
Each chapter of Encouraging Words© has an image and a story. Some chapters are posts I’ve previously made on social media. Some are excerpts from my books. And others are stories I’ve read, heard or experienced that inspire me. They appear in random order because life is random. It is my desire that they bring hope to those disheartened by today's headlines, inspiration to those going through trying times, smiles to those who need their days brightened, and appreciation for all those who are doing their very best. About The Disclaimer: I am not a trained therapist, nor do I play one on TV. So the thoughts, observations, opinion, humor and suggestions given here are strictly from my heart and personal experience and are not meant to serve as medical or psychological advice. And because there are times when hurting people need more than just our caring words and best intentions, it is important to understand our limitations. Therefore if you are not a trained therapist, you shouldn’t try to diagnose or cure anyone as it could become more harmful than helpful. If you feel someone needs outside resources, here’s a list that you might want to offer them as a starting place. About Me: When I'm not authoring Encouraging Words or gathering Stories From The Road Les Traveled, I am a Dad, Granddad, writer, photographer, marketer and trainer who calls Arizona home. To learn more, see my Blog, Books, Gigs and Photos at www.LesManess.com. About The Photos: Unless otherwise indicated, all photographs were taken by and are the exclusive copyrighted property of Les Maness (AKA LesManess.com). To purchase photos or the rights to publish images or content, please contact me at lesmaness at gmail.com. About The Dates: I created this book with Weebly's website builder blogging program, so I had to manually reorder the blog dates so they would read in proper sequence. So please ignore the dates under each header as they do not pertain to the actual start date, November 20, 2017 (my birthday) and completion date, May 20, 2018 (my big sister's birthday). Cover Contents Books Home Hire Stories Comments are closed.