Original Facebook post August 11 at 10:04 AM
As I have said many times, I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have close friends that I have known for 50 years or more. And certainly those in the group we jokingly call the Big Chillin' Gang (after the movie The Big Chill) are way up on that list. So this summer many of us gathered in my home state of Michigan to celebrate and a few of us went to Washington state to vacation together. Margo and Rick Wilhelmsen and I met up at the log home of gracious hosts Shelli Soble and Kal Klass in Marblemount, WA. We spent time reliving great memories and making new ones while surrounded by the spectacular forest. And thanks to the collective culinary skills of those in attendance, we dined like royalty! A few days later, I was able to meet up with Rick and Margo in Portland, OR. Then it was time for us to head our separate ways, with the happy thought of meeting up again soon... Somewhere down the road. Additional photos and history of the Big Chillin' Gang are on the links below. 43. Amazing Faces: The Big Chillin' Gang Turns 50. Amazing Faces: The Big Chillin' Gang. Amazing Faces: Betza & Justin's Engagement Amazing Faces: Justin and Betza's Engagement Party. Trip News 30: My Friend Has A Very Cute Caboose. :-) Amazing Places: Marblemount, WA. Cover Contents Books Home Hire Stories Comments are closed.