Note To Readers: Portions of this book were written prior to, during and after the road trip, so the language and updates will reflect that. With that said, this is the original Facebook post below (and on this link May 19 at 10:48 AM) announcing the trip.
I will be hitting the road this summer for what promises to be another great trip. And YOU are invited to come along for the ride via social media. I plan to go to Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and wherever else the road takes me. As with my other travel books (link here), America The Beautiful (to all 48 states in 2016) and On The Road Again (from AZ to Nova Scotia in 2017), I will be writing, photographing and sharing my experiences in Life Is A Highway as they happen. And at the end of my trip, I will finish this book with some stories and perspectives I gathered along the way. As always, my goal will be to photograph as many Amazing Faces and Amazing Places (link here) as I can along the way, so your recommendations, referrals and comments and shares are always welcome. So check out the maps and details I have posted on Facebook and in this continually updated book. And lastly, since all my travel books have song titles, please join me in spirit as I sing along to this book's theme song, Life Is A Highway by Rascal Flatts (link here)! Les Maness, Stories From The Road Les Traveled Update Sept 1, 2018. I am happy to say that my trip is now completed and with the help of those who virtually and actually joined me on this journey, I was able to accomplish my objectives above. It is now my hope that the pages that follow reflect what a great experience it was and how grateful I am for everyone of you who provided encouragement along the way. Note: Scroll down to read this book. At the bottom of 10 posts, click <<Previous to advance to the next 10 posts, or click Forward>> to go back to the last 10 posts. You can also use the links at the bottom of each text block (as shown below) to navigate my book or website. Cover Contents Books Home Hire Stories Comments are closed.