Original Facebook post July 16 at 9:22 AM
The centerpiece for my Life Is A Highway road trip was the Wyandotte Roosevelt High School 50th Reunion weekend. Friday night was the official reuniting of our January and June graduating classes of 1968. I know I speak for everyone when I say it was great seeing so many good people that we hadn't seen in so many years! Kudos to the reunion committee for a spectacular event that was literally 50 years in the making. Saturday night saw our Class Of The 60's gather for a Class Party that was also incredibly fun. As you can see by some of the photos I shot below, it was so much fun hanging out with some of the "kids" who graduated with, before or after us. Many thanks to Bonnie Hasper Thornton for hosting this annual event and to all those who stepped up to make it so wonderful for all of us! Cover Contents Books Home Hire Stories Comments are closed.