I've talked about finding your higher power in Colorado. And I've discussed hiking to higher elevations (like this spot in Garden of The Gods). But I can't be in Colorado and NOT talk about it's highly unusual variety of legal intoxicants. So here's the real, and kinda strange deal.
There are places where you can go into a store and by cannabis products without a medical prescription like you are buying a pack of gum. There's one of them in Aspen that is 20 feet away from a sandwich place, which I guess makes it a real hamburger "joint". :-) I'm told (I don't imbibe) that other cities require a Doctor's note to purchase it. However, you will hear lots of clever ads for pot shops on the radio...and apparently they create quite a buzz. But here's what's really weird. Nobody tells you, but you can not buy full strength beer in a local store. You have to go to a designated, state approved liquor store to be in high spirits. However, there are reportedly nearly 230 established breweries in Colorado and nearly 10% of the nation's craft breweries. And when you consider the fact that one drink at elevation is like two at sea level, I guess it is no wonder people get confused at "high altitude". Cover Contents Books Home Hire Stories Comments are closed.