I met Ginger Nelson when she was 19 years old and had moved to California with dreams of being a model. She and I both worked for 24 Hour Nautilus Health Spa in Downey, Colorado and I immediately admired her work ethic and her relentless pursuit of her lofty goal. But where were really bonded is when this self described "farm girl" told me she was also an experienced babysitter. Since my daughter, Jessie was just an infant at the time, Ginger became one of Jessie's first babysitters ever - and in the process gave two novice parents a much needed break.
During this time she was actively building her modeling portfolio and I was just getting started as a photographer, so we worked together to get a few images. (One of my favorites below.) Defying the odds in that industry, Ginger went on to become an international model for 20 years. I lost track of her for a long time after that, but recently connected on social media which ultimately led up to visiting with her. As we filled in the 30+ year gap, I found out some interesting things about her life. When she retired from modeling she became a fashion and wedding photographer, an entrepreneur and Mom to three great kids. Today she lives in her beloved New Hamspshire with the world's cutest dog, and surfs whenever the waves are good. Cover Contents Books Home Hire Stories Comments are closed.