I began planning Stories From The Road Les Traveled in early 2016 while living in Anthem, AZ - a master planned community located just north of Phoenix, AZ. It is a beautiful place built for families, rooted in American pride, and the streets are literally lined with positive signs of Inspiration. People come from all over the world to visit the Anthem Veteran's Memorial. And thousands gather at 11:11 AM on Veterans Day (Nov. 11), where the sun's rays pass through the ellipses of the five pillars representing our Armed Services to spotlight the mosaic of The Great Seal of the United States.
Update 2017: Note that where Slideshows are included, you need to select a photo and wait until the arrows at the top of the photo appear. Then push the Play arrow (upper left) to let the slideshow run automatically or push the back and forth arrows (upper right) to scroll through manually. Also note that I made a switch from using slideshows to using galleries about half way through (from Sarah and Jake forward) because I determined the galleries displayed better on mobile devices. Cover Contents Books Home Hire Stories Comments are closed.