May 10, 2020
I began publishing Encouraging Words 3 daily on April 1, 2020. I had a simple goal. One quote. One image. One prayer that it gave some reassurance and courage to those who needed it. Now 40 days later, I realize it has become much more. While researching the quotes, I mentally and emotionally immersed myself in the wisdom and inspiration of some of the greatest minds of all time. While I was researching and editing my photos, I was reliving some of the most wondrous places I had ever been. And as a result, even though the daily news was extremely negative, I was able to cope with it more effectively because of all the truly positive things I had chosen to dwell on. Then there was all the kindness and thoughtfulness on social media. Many people generously commented how they were being blessed by the daily posts. Some of those same people shared the posts an estimated 500 times with others who needed a lift. One magazine publisher used a post on the front cover in order to elevate others. And because everyone worked together, more people got exposed to the uplifting messages than I could have ever dreamed possible. So I want to conclude this ebook by thanking everyone for everything you did to make this project so rewarding and meaningful. I hope it blessed your life in the process. Les Maness PS. I put a Table Of Contents for this ebook at so you can easily access and share all the web and Facebook links. PPS. Hollywood describes an "Eastern egg" as a hidden clue or insider reference. With that in mind, I put four sequential references to my incredible grand pals Ellie, Lucie, Winston and Ed in this ebook. Please let me know when and if you find them. :-) GrandPALes Contents Books Home Hire Stories Note: Click "Forward" below to go back 10 posts. Comments are closed.