Aristotle once said, “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” I think that was good advice then and is particularly good advice today.
In the beginning of Covid, I knew it was going to be a rough ride and I would need to do some things that would help me stay positive. One thing I did was to create and publish a book for others called Encouraging Words 3 that blended my landscape photographs with famous empowering quotes. The other thing was to join and contribute to a Facebook group page that only features Positive News. Both of those things helped me immensely because I was constantly on the look for upbeat educational and motivational resources for those projects. As this pandemic drags on, I find myself becoming weary of the wait and saddened by what it is doing to others. So I am forcing myself to do new things - like taking this trip and creating this book in order to help me dissipate the dark clouds. It is my prayer that in doing so that it encourages or amuses you, and perhaps nudges you to do something that will help you and others focus on the light. Cover Home Stories Gigs Photos Topics Books Comments are closed.