Note: Original Post May 28, 2018. Updates and links added Sept 1, 2018.
As I write this on May 28, 2018, I am just six days from my departure and already this approximately 8,000 mile road trip is promising some interesting twists and turns. And while no one can ever predict exactly what's on the road ahead, here's what I have planned for now - all subject to change of course. For as someone famous once said, "There's your plan and God's plan. And your plan doesn't matter." Section One: Trip Preparation. Planning For The Road Ahead By Asking Directions. You better call The Guinness Book Of Records because I am a man who actually likes asking for directions. :-) And since I am planning to car camp in Colorado, Canada and the Northwest, I have asked people to tell me where to go, what to do, see, eat and experience. You'll see those posts in the pages that follow along with the links to my Facebook posts with people's great suggestions. Planning For Things To Get A Little Trip-py. There are at least three things I am driving to do differently on this trip. First, I plan to go down even more Roads Les(s) Traveled (clumsy play on words for my website and book series). :-) For instance, I will begin by standin' on a corner in Winslow, Arizona. Then I'll go looking for love in all the wrong places in Loveland, CO. From there I'll make the monster drive to Frankenstein, MO. Then I'll spend a cold day in Paradise, MI. And because I am their GrandPALes, my next two stops are my Grand Pals' names in their birth order, Edison, WA and Winston, OR. Lastly, I want to say I have been through the desert on a course to No Name (Saloon). Why the attraction to all the unique names? Well, let's just say that having spent a lifetime with a rhyming one has given me an odd appreciation for the unusual or personally meaningful names. Second, I am going to reconnect with family I haven't seen in 50 years and some I have never met. Note: See The Maness (Long Lost Cousin) Reunion announcement (and Update) for that wild leap of faith. Third, I will be traveling lots of miles to celebrate some real milestones. One will be my 50 Year Reunion For Roosevelt High School in Wyandotte, MI. And there will be several occasions where I celebrate 50 Years - and more - of lifelong friendships with grade school through college friends. Planning To Photograph More Amazing Faces And Amazing Places. One thing I will repeat from previous trips is to take lots photographs of the interesting people, vistas, towns, art and artists I see along the way. To see those and other Amazing Faces And Amazing Places, click here. Planning To Take You All Along For The Ride. I have had so many people reach out to thank me for including them in my journeys in person and on social media, that it is simply humbling. So I will continue to post my experiences on Facebook and in book format on my website as they happen. It is my hope in doing so that everyone who can't do travel like this right now feels included, welcomed and valued from start to finish. Section Two: Trip Commentary. This is where I will post thoughts, images, observations, puns and comments as they happen - planned and unplanned - along the way. Section Three: Trip Reflections. This is where I will post my musings, feedback, surprises and lessons learned on this journey - and assess just how many of my plans came to pass. Cover Contents Books Home Hire Stories Comments are closed.